Chillche 創刊1周年紀念展【漫畫展 台灣】

Chillche 創刊1周年紀念展【漫畫展 台灣】

Chillche 創刊1周年紀念展來到台灣漫畫展啦!不但有眾多老師獨家繪製的周邊商品,還有許多台灣限定的獨家特典等你來收集!   【活動期間】 2024年8月3日(六)~2024年9月8日(日)星期日~三 :11:00 - 21:30星期四~六 (以及國定假日前日):11:00 - 22:00   【展示】 ・複製原畫・海報   【販售商品】 <漫畫> ・日語版【加價購特典版】大人になったら抱くからな・日語版【HLB獨家特典版】比我年長的他 ~triple love~・日語版【加價購特典版】あいちゃんはあえぎ声がうるさい・日語版【HLB獨家特典版】わがまま坊ちゃんはクールな付き人に甘やかされたい・日語版 社長は僕のいいなりです・日語版 ノっぴきならぬ①・日語版 それはまるで運命みたいな・日語版 視聴者以上、恋人未満。・日語版 推しカプに愛されて解釈違いです!!・日語版 舌先から恋②・比我年長的他・舌尖誘發的戀情・心煩意亂的裸肌・鬼子①~②・沒有回報的戀情占卜法 <獨家周邊> ※限量獨家周邊售完為止。

Chillche 創刊1周年紀念展【漫畫展 台灣】

Chillche 創刊1周年紀念展來到台灣漫畫展啦!不但有眾多老師獨家繪製的周邊商品,還有許多台灣限定的獨家特典等你來收集!   【活動期間】 2024年8月3日(六)~2024年9月8日(日)星期日~三 :11:00 - 21:30星期四~六 (以及國定假日前日):11:00 - 22:00   【展示】 ・複製原畫・海報   【販售商品】 <漫畫> ・日語版【加價購特典版】大人になったら抱くからな・日語版【HLB獨家特典版】比我年長的他 ~triple love~・日語版【加價購特典版】あいちゃんはあえぎ声がうるさい・日語版【HLB獨家特典版】わがまま坊ちゃんはクールな付き人に甘やかされたい・日語版 社長は僕のいいなりです・日語版 ノっぴきならぬ①・日語版 それはまるで運命みたいな・日語版 視聴者以上、恋人未満。・日語版 推しカプに愛されて解釈違いです!!・日語版 舌先から恋②・比我年長的他・舌尖誘發的戀情・心煩意亂的裸肌・鬼子①~②・沒有回報的戀情占卜法 <獨家周邊> ※限量獨家周邊售完為止。

電視動畫「香格里拉・開拓異境~糞作獵手挑戰神作~」獨家周邊販售中!【漫畫展 台灣】

The film "Shangri-La: The Frontier" is now on s...

Thank you to all the readers for your continued support and patronage of the "manga exhibition in Taiwan".The sales of "漫畫展台灣" will start immediately. The television program "Shangri-la: Exploring New...

The film "Shangri-La: The Frontier" is now on s...

Thank you to all the readers for your continued support and patronage of the "manga exhibition in Taiwan".The sales of "漫畫展台灣" will start immediately. The television program "Shangri-la: Exploring New...

電視動畫「東京復仇者」血腥萬聖節篇 獨家周邊販售中!【漫畫展 台灣】

The Tokyo Vengeful Gangster" is now on sale at ...

Thanks to all the readers for your support and patronage of the "Comic Art Exhibition Taiwan".The sales of "Tokyo Vengeful Man" will start immediately! Products on saleProduct Description壓克力立牌・Square color壓克力杯墊・square color壓克力吊飾Magnetic...

The Tokyo Vengeful Gangster" is now on sale at ...

Thanks to all the readers for your support and patronage of the "Comic Art Exhibition Taiwan".The sales of "Tokyo Vengeful Man" will start immediately! Products on saleProduct Description壓克力立牌・Square color壓克力杯墊・square color壓克力吊飾Magnetic...

ユノイチカ老師「破曉之歌 ~ picnic on new moon day ~ 」商品販售活動【漫畫展 台灣】

Sales of "The song of the daybreak ~ picnic on ...

 The "Song of the Daybreak" - picnic on new moon day" activities are coming to the Taiwan Comic Art Exhibition. You can enjoy the special exhibition on his birthday for...

Sales of "The song of the daybreak ~ picnic on ...

 The "Song of the Daybreak" - picnic on new moon day" activities are coming to the Taiwan Comic Art Exhibition. You can enjoy the special exhibition on his birthday for...

Horin Love Books 獨家特典書籍開放預購啦!

HORIN LOVE BOOKS Dokku Bonus Book Opening Promo...

Thank you for your continued support and patronage of the "漫畫展台灣". Thanks to the support of our readers, some books will be available for purchase in our stores from now...

HORIN LOVE BOOKS Dokku Bonus Book Opening Promo...

Thank you for your continued support and patronage of the "漫畫展台灣". Thanks to the support of our readers, some books will be available for purchase in our stores from now...

HorinLoveBooks限定加價購特典版BL漫畫(日語版)到貨通知! 【漫畫展 台灣】

HORINLOVEBOOKS Limited Kazu Benefits BL Mark (J...

In February 2024, Manga Exhibition Bay Bay Bay Starting Limited HORINLOVEBOOKS Limited Purchase Benefits BL Manga (Japanese version)! Significantly over 50 copies, returned in thereAri -Neck Taiwan Taiwan Works 噢...

HORINLOVEBOOKS Limited Kazu Benefits BL Mark (J...

In February 2024, Manga Exhibition Bay Bay Bay Starting Limited HORINLOVEBOOKS Limited Purchase Benefits BL Manga (Japanese version)! Significantly over 50 copies, returned in thereAri -Neck Taiwan Taiwan Works 噢...