privacy policy

privacy policy
TORICO Co., Ltd. (hereinafter "the Company") will fully recognize social missions in the protection of all personal information handled by the Company, and comply with the protection of the rights and regulations on personal information. In addition, we will build a personal information protection management system to embody the following policies, and to continue to improve the latest trends in IT technology, changes in social demands, fluctuations in the management environment, etc. We declare here that we will work on the whole company.

A) Personal information includes the e -commerce business, media digital business, event business, manga publishing business, bookstore management business, and food delivery business, as well as employees' employment and personnel management. Limited to acquire, use, and provide, and do not handle personal information beyond the scope necessary for achieving the specified purpose of use (non -purpose use). In addition, we will take measures to prevent usage from the purpose.

b) We will comply with laws and regulations on personal information protection, guidelines set by the government, and other norms.

C) For risks such as leaks, loss, loss, etc. of personal information, we will inject management resources that match the actual situation of the business to prevent rational safety measures and continue to improve personal information security systems. increase. In addition, if it is determined that there is a problem for personal information protection, we will take corrective measures immediately.

D) We will respond promptly and honestly for complaints and consultations regarding handling of personal information.

E) The Personal Information Protection Management System will continue to review and promote the improvement in a timely and appropriate review of the environment surrounding the Company.

Privacy mark
Established July 15, 2020
Torico Co., Ltd.
CEO Takuro Ando

About the handling of personal information
Purpose of use of personal information handled by the Company
(1) Purpose of use of personal information obtained directly from the person (including homepages and e -mails)

Prior to the acquisition, it will be clearly specified to the person in writing.

(2) Purpose of use of personal information obtained by methods other than the preceding paragraph

Purpose of classification use
For individual customer information usage history management
For inquiries
For the person in charge of the business partner, to confirm information ordering (communication records, etc.)
With the commission of the work,
To properly carry out the work entrusted by the customer
Regarding items related to personal data
Regarding the personal data held by the Company, the purpose of the purpose of use from the person or its agent, the disclosure, correction or deletion of the contents, the suspension of use, the suspension of provision to third parties. The claim (hereinafter referred to as "claims for disclosure, etc.") will be handled in the following manner.

a) Name of the operator
Torico Co., Ltd.

b) Protection administrator of personal information
Administrator name: Tomohiro Nakamichi
Affiliated department: TORICO Management Headquarters Co., Ltd.

C) Purpose of use of all holding personal data
Purpose of classification use
For individual customer information user support
For use history management
For information on our service
For inquiries
For the person in charge of the business partner, to confirm information ordering (communication records, etc.)
For our employee information employees for personnel labor management, business management, health management, security management
Recruitment applicant information recruitment information for contacting applicants and managing our recruitment business
For the purpose of use stipulated in the Specified Personal Information number Law
d) Restricted Personal Information Protection Organization for Solution of Complaints
Please contact the following for complaints and consultations regarding the handling of your personal information.

Name of certified personal information protection organization

Japan Information Economic and Social Promotion Association

Solution of complaints

Certified Personal Information Protection Organization Secretariat
1-9-9 Roppongi, Minato-ku, Tokyo 106-0032 Roppongi First Building
Phone: 03-5860-7565 / 0120-700-779

* Only complaints regarding the handling of personal information are accepted.
* It is not an inquiry about our products and services.

e) Procedures to respond to the disclosure of personal data held
1) Applications for disclosure, etc.

Please contact the personal information inquiry window for disclosure etc.

2) Procedures regarding disclosure, etc.

(1) After receiving the request, we will mail the prescribed invoice format "Invoice of Disclosure of Personal Data" to be used by us.

(2) Invoice, confirm that you are an agent if you are requested by the agent, a postal exchange of fees (only in the case of notification for use and request for disclosure) below. Please mail it to us.

(3) After receiving the notation, in order to verify your identity, please contact us for information about 2 items (eg, telephone number, date of birth, etc.) that can be verified in the personal information registered by the Company. Let me do it.

④ In principle, the answer will be made by writing (mailing mail) to the person.

3) In the case of an agent, the material to confirm that it is an agent

If the person who is looking for disclosure is an agent, please enclose a document that proves that he is an agent and a document proving himself. The permanent domicile information included in each material must be used to the prefecture, and the information after that should be treated such as black. In addition, please send each material that does not include personal numbers, or process all digits such as ink painting.

① Materials proving that you are an agent

Pullive of the person (original)
copy of either
Copy of the family register
Resident's card (described in the relationship)
Other public documents that can check the legal representation rights
A copy of either
Certificate of registration for guardianship, etc.
Other public documents that can check the legal representation rights
② Materials to prove yourself
driver's license
Health insurance certificate
4) Fees for notification or disclosure for use

1,000 yen per request
(Please enclose the postal exchange in the invoice to be sent.)

Inquiries regarding "Personal Information Protection Policy" and "Complaints on Handling of Personal Data"
Personal information inquiry window
2-3-6 Iidabashi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 102-0072
Torico Management Department Co., Ltd.
For inquiries, please contact the following inquiry form.
Inquiry form