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[絵本]12支キッズのしかけえほん ねずみくん ぼくもできるよ!


12 Kids's Kidsake Ehon Mna -kun I can do it too!

12 Kids's Kidsake Ehon Mna -kun I can do it too!

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タグ きむらゆういち ふくざわゆみこ ポプラ社 絵本

Publisher: Poplar
Author: Yuichi Kimura, Yumiko Fukuzawa
Number of books: 1
Language: Japanese
Category: Picture book
Latest publication date: 2011-03-16

The "12 Kids no Kids Hon" series is a simple group life, which is held in "Juni Shen", which is attended by 12 animal children. It is a series drawn in.
This year's recital has been played.
Mouse -kun wanted to play the role of the prince.
I took the courage to run for a candidate, but the voice did not reach everyone, and the different friend was decided to be the prince.
Only Kami -sama noticed such a Mazumi -kun, and the role of the prince decided to do it together.
I'm happy and I'm happy, but my friends don't notice such a noodle.
Mouse who has been completely blurred.
An unexpected incident will occur on the day of the presentation.
Now, what do you do with Mouse? In the folk tale "The Beginning of the 12 Brand", it is the best to use cows, deceived cats, and it is a mouse, but it may be due to lack of confidence.
In this work, such a hypothesis has been raised, and Mouse -kun has been closed up.
Being able to help others with your own power will lead to confidence ... I draw such a figure.
"I want to do it!" "But I can do it ..." The first children who are full of things are heading for various events in group life, intersecting various feelings.
Although the feelings are as large, there are children who stand out, inconspicuous children, good children, difficult children, and various types of children, but I hope that any child will be an ale.
"I can do it", "I can be the protagonist (I am the hero of my life)", "I am the hero of my life), and those sense that are important for growth," myself! " I would be glad if the children in kindergartens and nursery schools feel a lot of words.
There will be many children who publish plays at graduation ceremony, entrance ceremony, advanced celebration, etc.
Please enjoy this before and after such an event and give up the actual play! By all means for children of the mouse year!

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