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天才外科医が異世界で闇医者を始めました。 (1-2巻 最新刊)


A genius surgeon has started a dark doctor in a different world. (Volume 1-2 new book)

A genius surgeon has started a dark doctor in a different world. (Volume 1-2 new book)

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タグ Meke ファンタジー 医療 柊むぅ 漫画 青年漫画 魔法

the publisher:
Author: Meke, Hiiragi Muu
Size: 128mm x 182mm
Number of books: 2
Language: Japanese
Category: Youth manga, manga
Latest release date: 2022-01-28

Kaoru Ashiya, a genius doctor wearing a medical mistake, wakes up one day on an unknown land.
It was a different world, and Kaoru had non -common sense status and non -standard magic!

In a different world where medical care has not progressed at all, Kaoru uses modern medicine and cheat recovery magic to recreate a new life!
"Let's be a novelist", medical x different world fantasy, finally comicalize!

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