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[児童書]ドラえもんの社会科おもしろ攻略 白地図でぐんぐんのびる地理力


Doraemon's Social Studies Interesting Strategy Geographical Power with a white map

Doraemon's Social Studies Interesting Strategy Geographical Power with a white map

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タグ ドラえもん 如月たくや 学習 学習・参考書 小学館 浜学園 藤子・F・不二雄

Publisher: Shogakukan
Author: Fujiko F. Fujio, Kisaragi, Hama Gakuen
Size: 128mm x 182mm
Number of books: 1
Language: Japanese
Category: Learning / Reference Book
Latest release date: 2018-07-20

Become a "geographical" doctor with Doraemon!

Japan is an island country surrounded by the sea on all sides, and is divided into 47 "prefectures".
Each prefecture has special climate and terrain, and various industrial activities such as agricultural, fisheries and industries are carried out.
I learn these things in social studies classes, mainly from the third grade to the fifth grade.
The foundation of the learning is the map.
In this book, you can learn about Japan, such as terrain such as mountains, rivers, lakes, and other industries such as agricultural, fisheries, and industries, and in a country in a world closely related to Japan. You can learn while you can learn.

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