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Human love

Human love

Regular price ¥1,980 JPY
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タグ イラスト 夜汽車 江戸川乱歩 画集・イラスト集・写真集 立東舎

Publisher: Rito -Kisha
Author: Ranpo Edogawa, night train
Number of books: 1
Language: Japanese
Category: Art books, illustrations, photo books
Latest release date: 2022-10-21

The 28th bullet of the popular series "Otome's Bookshelf" is a collaboration of Bungo Ranpo Edogawa x Illustrator / Night Train!
A fascinating book that can be enjoyed as a novel or an art book.
Draw all illustrations.

It is a love that is not a person, a love outside of this world.

About half a year after marrying a handsome boy.
One day, I noticed my husband's strange action and followed me ...

The masterpiece of Ranpo Edogawa has a big topic with a beautiful work that makes you feel nostalgia, and in this series, it is drawn by illustrator and night train in charge of Junichiro Tanizaki "Tattoo" and Ego Sakaguchi's "Yonghong Princess and Ear Omo".
A gem collaboration series that combines masterpiece literature and beautiful illustrations of modern modern.
I want to decorate my bookshelf.
I want to give it to that important person.
One book of the "Otome Bookshelf" series that makes you feel like that.

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