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カルト宗教信じてました。 「エホバの証人2世」の私が25年間の信仰を捨てた理由 (1巻 全巻)


I believed in the cult religion. The reason I abandoned 25 years of religion in "Jehovah's Witness II" (Volume 1

I believed in the cult religion. The reason I abandoned 25 years of religion in "Jehovah's Witness II" (Volume 1

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タグ たもさん 宗教 漫画 青年漫画

the publisher:
Author: Tomo
Size: 148mm x 210mm
Number of books: 1
Language: Japanese
Category: Youth manga, manga
Latest release date: 2018-05-01

When she was young, her mother entered Jehovah's Witnesses.
Among the four siblings, Tata was taken to the rally together because of the "unstonishing".
In order to carry out Jehovah's witnesses, clothes and romance
Even if I went to school, it was not as I wanted, but I endured it for a paradise that was said to be visited someday.
However, the only son who was born after marriage was a disease that needed a "blood transfusion" that was prohibited by Jehovah's Witnesses ...

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