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恋人以上友人未満 (1-5巻 最新刊)


Lover than lovers and less than friends (volume 1-5 is the latest issue)

Lover than lovers and less than friends (volume 1-5 is the latest issue)

Regular price ¥3,619 JPY
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タグ yatoyato ラブコメ 少年漫画 漫画 集英社

Publisher: Shueisha
Author: yatoyato
Size: 128mm x 182mm
Number of books: 5
Language: Japanese
Category: Shonen manga, manga
Latest release date: 2024-01-04

The matchmaking partner of Miyako who returned from Tokyo to the hometown was a former job partner who holds the secrets of each other!
I was playing an Oraora man with a former AV actress who played a neat literary girl
When the former AV actor returns to himself and meets again, a pure love begins without this ...!
The body is more than a lover, the heart is less than a friend!? Former AV actress and former AV actor pure explosion love comedy!

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