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ヴァンパイアの大地 (1巻 全巻)


Vampire land (1st volume 1)

Vampire land (1st volume 1)

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タグ ダヴィド・ムニョス パイインターナショナル マヌエル・ガルシア 吸血鬼 戦い 漫画 青年漫画

Publisher: Payinte Nachrain
Author: David Munos, Manuel Garcia
Number of books: 1
Language: Japanese
Category: Youth manga, manga
Latest release date: 2015-07-30

Battle of humans and vampires unfolding in the silver world ...

One day, the sun was lost, and a furious cold wave hit the world.
Many people die, and surviving people live in breathtaking, scared of the monsters.
On behalf of humans, the new monsters in the world without the sun were vampires = vampires.
Elena is attacked by the vampires one day, with the vampires one day, taking the children, seeking a relief where their brothers live, and the world covered with darkness and ice.
At the moment, they were saved by a man named Nile, but his identity was also a vampire! Why is he standing on the human side? Eventually, the fact of shock over the vampire is revealed.
Vampire Apocalypse given by Spanish artists who are also active in American comics!

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