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0歳児スタートダッシュ物語 (1-8巻 最新刊)


0-year-old child start dash story (volume 1-5 is the latest issue)

0-year-old child start dash story (volume 1-5 is the latest issue)

Regular price ¥6,270 JPY
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タグ はやせれく チート 令嬢 少女漫画 漫画 転生 青泉社

Publisher: Aizumiha
Author: Hayaburaku
Size: 128mm x 182mm
Number of books: 5
Language: Japanese
Category: Girl manga, manga
Latest release date: 2023-07-25

Both magic and territorial management are the cheats story of Lilia, Lilia, who is too genius in all.
Lilia has had a memory of the previous life since he was born, and knew that there was magic in a reincarnated world, and the previous gamer soul was biting.
Even though he is a 0 -year -old child who can only do high -high, he starts performing leveling vigorously.
As a result, he was 5 years old, exercised advanced magic, followed high -level spirits, and was very active in the management of the Marquis.
This world is warrior with cheats in RPG and ranch games! Lilia, who is gaining momentum, is naturally in the eyes of the royal family, and will be invited to the royal palace on his birthday.
This world is a maiden game in a maiden game, and the political marriage flag with the prince has just been unpleasant!

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