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34歳無職さん (1-8巻 最新刊)


34-year-old unemployed (1-8 new book)

34-year-old unemployed (1-8 new book)

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タグ KADOKAWA/角川書店 いけだたかし ほのぼの 日常 漫画 青年漫画

Publisher: KADOKAWA/Kadokawa Bookstore
Author: Takashi Ikeda
Size: 148mm x 210mm
Number of books: 8
Language: Japanese
Category: Youth manga, manga
Latest publication date: 2016-07-23

34 years old. In the mid -thirties, which is generally said to work. At his peak of his life, she decides to do nothing for a year. An unemployed life that starts with it. You may be worried about the new vacuum cleaner, listen to the night city and think about the galaxy railway ... Why don't you look into the daily life of an unemployed, who doesn't rush, doesn't work?

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