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阿南さんは出会って3秒で合体したい! (1-6巻 最新刊)


Anan wants to meet and unite in 3 seconds! (Volume 1-3 is the latest issue)

Anan wants to meet and unite in 3 seconds! (Volume 1-3 is the latest issue)

Regular price ¥4,587 JPY
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タグ ラブコメ 松林佑 漫画 講談社 青年漫画

Publisher: Kodansha
Author: Yu Matsubayashi
Size: 128mm x 182mm
Number of books: 3
Language: Japanese
Category: Youth manga, manga
Latest publication date: 2024-03-13

Anan, who has little romance experience, is a relentless OL who gains knowledge by watching AV.
He struggles to drop his longing boss, Kitazono, but he fails.
In fact, Kitaen is also a man who has a romantic experience of rustling virgins.
Delusion AV Love Commercial Start!

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