Bet. (Volume 1-3 is the latest issue)
Bet. (Volume 1-3 is the latest issue)
タグ | 女性漫画 山崎童々 未設定 漫画 祥伝社 |
Publisher: Shodosha
Author: Yamazaki Child
Size: 148mm x 210mm
Number of books: 3
Language: Japanese
Category: Female manga, manga
Latest publication date: 2013-09-06
Yukari Takinami & Ekoda -chan are recommended in W! Mr. Takinami "Stones that can't be a star, the story of the sun that burns with dying and dying" Ekoda -chan "Snao -kun! The only thing I draw is Snao, which is only Daihara (agent manuscript). One day, he seemed great, but he said that he would live in a house where Snao lived. Of course I don't want to have a talented young girl nearby, and the house is forbidden in the first place, and she's not silent. Snao, a man who is not prepared for her dream or her, is approaching now ...!
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