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ブラック・ブラック・ロータス (1-3巻 最新刊)


Black Black Lotus (Volume 1 is the latest issue)

Black Black Lotus (Volume 1 is the latest issue)

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タグ KADOKAWA/AMW おぎしろ みかみてれん サスペンス 漫画 青年漫画

Author: Ogishiro, Mika
Size: 128mm x 182mm
Number of books: 1
Language: Japanese
Category: Youth manga, manga
Latest release date: 2023-12-26

It was "I" who killed a dark beautiful girl, a beautiful girl who disturbs the fate of a person,!?

Renna Matsuoka, who has moved to Fuyo Jogakuin, reunites with Kaoru Mayuzumi, an acquaintance in elementary school.

Kaoruko, who was called "Black Rose" and became a student's longing,
He was always worried about Renna, who moved this city in elementary school.

Beautiful, mysterious, hearty, perfect girl, black rose.
But Renna knew the secret side.

One night, Renna is called in a black rose to come to the park alone.
What was there was an invitation to a murder matching site named "Black Black Lotus" ...

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