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Bono no Bono (Volume 1 Volume) of the day you want to cry

Bono no Bono (Volume 1 Volume) of the day you want to cry

Regular price ¥922 JPY
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タグ いがらしみきお 少年漫画 未設定 漫画 竹書房

Publisher: Takeshobo
Author: Mikio Igarashi
Size: 112mm x 174mm
Number of books: 1
Language: Japanese
Category: Shonen manga, manga
Latest release date: 2014-05-30

"Bonobono" has been evaluated as philosophical, despite its four -frame manga since the announcement. Until now, postcards from readers have "cried", "healed", "cute", "interesting", "read clean", "heart -relaxed", "have the essence". There were many warm voices such as "I think I'll do my best". This time, we selected the work that you want to read on the day you want to cry and the work you want to read on the day you want to be healed.

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