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[児童書]日本のこびと大全 全3巻セット (こびとづかん)


[Child book] Japanese Kobi and Dai All 3 volumes (Kobitsuzukan)

[Child book] Japanese Kobi and Dai All 3 volumes (Kobitsuzukan)

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タグ なばたとしたか ロクリン社 児童書 図鑑

Publisher: Loklin
Author: Did you like Nabata?
Size: 105mm x 148mm
Number of books: 1
Language: Japanese
Category: Children's book
The latest release date: 2023-11-06

"I want a book that is easy to bring when I go to find Kobito."

The "Japanese Kobo and Daizeru" series, which is easy to carry from such a voice.
It is a "pocket large picture book" that combines the amount of information and ease of reading.

It is a small but very satisfying series full of information about mysterious and interesting Cobit.

"I started playing outside", "I became interested in nature", "I have the power to think", etc.
The "Kobitsuzukan" series that has received various response.
There are various discoveries and pleasures that bring out the imagination and creativity of children.

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