[Light Novel] Detective AI (3 books in total)
[Light Novel] Detective AI (3 books in total)
タグ | バトル ライトノベル 推理 新潮社 早坂吝 漫画 |
Publisher: Shinchosha
Author: Hayasaka
Size: 105mm x 148mm
Number of books: 3
Language: Japanese
Category: Light novel, manga
Latest publication date: 2021-06-24
A wise and cute AI detective has an evil organization and a full -fledged reasoning confrontation. Father, a researcher of artificial intelligence, died mysteriously in a closed room. "Detective" and "criminal", the twin AI. In the process of pursuing the true culprit who killed his father along with the detective AI and his phase, the high school son, Susuke, learns the conspiracy of the octacore group, a group of terrorist, who deprives the culprit AI and a phase. A new sensation and reasoning battle where bold strange and precise logic ignites a difficult case that attacks one after another, the truth of the mother's death, and the true purpose of the phase!
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