[Light Novel] If you can meet you again on the hill where that flower blooms. (1 book)
[Light Novel] If you can meet you again on the hill where that flower blooms. (1 book)
タグ | スターツ出版 タイムリープ ライトノベル 恋 感動 汐見夏衛 |
Publisher: Starts Publishing
Author: Natsue Shiomi
Size: 105mm x 148mm
Number of books: 1
Language: Japanese
Category: Light novel
Latest publication date: 2016-07-28
Yuri 2 while sending every day to be frustrated by parents and schools.
He flew away from his mother, jumped out of the house, and looked up 70 years ago during the war.
In the days of spending time with him, Yuri is attracted to Akira's honesty and kindness.
However, he was a special attacker, and was destined to flew to the battlefield soon.
Later, Yuri knows the true feelings of Akira without the time.
I can't read without tears, the last of the raging is a masterpiece!
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