[Light Novel] Saint protects the country, but my sister is most important -the guy who makes her sister cry can be understood by fist ~ (2 books in total)
[Light Novel] Saint protects the country, but my sister is most important -the guy who makes her sister cry can be understood by fist ~ (2 books in total)
タグ | so品 TOブックス ファンタジー ミュシャ ライトノベル 八緒あいら 妹 聖女 |
Publisher: to Books
Author: Aira Hachio, Mucha, SO
Size: 128mm x 182mm
Number of books: 2
Language: Japanese
Category: Light novel
Latest publication date: 2023-09-19
A sacred woman who protects the country as a agent of God.
One of them, Countist, Crysta, had both the highest -class magical power and excellent brain in addition to its natural beauty.
But her inside, which looks like a perfect superhuman, is-
"My ruby is too cute and spicy ...!"
It was a severe syscon!? If you hear that your sister was unilaterally abandoned, he beats a former fiance's mansion and rampages with a fist!
If you hear that you have a matchmaking, you can use your position to make a duel with a matchmaking partner from your bank!
Such a sister's supreme -based behavior spreads into a ripples and develops into a riot involving to neighboring countries ...?
"Is the smile of my sister [Ruby] heavier than the world?"
Siscon Saint's Stegoro Exhilarating Fantasy, the opening?
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