[Light Novel] The splendid fugitive drama of the abolished prince -the strongest magician who does not choose the means wants to live in self -destruction ~ (one book)
[Light Novel] The splendid fugitive drama of the abolished prince -the strongest magician who does not choose the means wants to live in self -destruction ~ (one book)
タグ | KADOKAWA/角川書店 ゆのひと ファンタジー ライトノベル 出雲大吉 最強 |
Publisher: KADOKAWA/Kadokawa Bookstore
Author: Daikichi Izumo, Yunoto
Size: 128mm x 188mm
Number of books: 1
Language: Japanese
Category: Light novel
Latest publication date: 2024-03-08
This waste adventurer is actually the strongest magician in the prince -!?
Oji Lloyd was a magical genius, with a beautiful girl as a fiancee, and spending days in a leisurely research.
However, the father who lights magic abolishes Lloyd.
The Royal Palace will be fired by the mischief that Lloyd will set up! A runaway drama to other countries begins.
He joins an unhappy monastery and travels with an adventurer, but Lloyd is still at his own pace.
Annoying the disturbing Harpy in an instant, Heijaku on the flying boat .... The legendary adventurers who met the road continue to be surprised ...?
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