[Light Novel] The top idol next door (2 books in total) who can't help asking my immorality
[Light Novel] The top idol next door (2 books in total) who can't help asking my immorality
タグ | KADOKAWA/メディアファクトリー アイドル ライトノベル ラブコメ 及川輝新 緋月ひぐれ |
Publisher: KADOKAWA/Media Factory
Author: Terui Oikawa, Higuri Higuri
Size: 105mm x 148mm
Number of books: 2
Language: Japanese
Category: Light novel
Latest publication date: 2024-02-24
The 19th MF Bunko J -Light Novel Rookie Award "Excellent Award" "Meshi Fall" Love Kome!
Suzumi Mamori, a "noda" high school student, helps the neighbor of the fallen apartment with hungry.
The identity was Yuki Arisu, a high school girl idol at the top!
Yuki has been excessively restricted because she is an ideal idol.
But when Suzumi was worried, she served home cooking
"... Ah ah ah ah ah!"
"I can't ...!"
Suzumi, who fell in love with the food with a happy face, decides to seduce Yuki's favorite food and make her "faded".
Pork bowl, ramen, okonomiyaki!
Yuki wants Suzunbun's meal today while saying, "I don't eat at all!"
A little special neighbor's stomach and heart, a fading love rice!
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