[Light Novel] You can't be a doctor (2 books in total)
[Light Novel] You can't be a doctor (2 books in total)
タグ | KADOKAWA/AMW ライトノベル 医療 午鳥志季 |
Author: Shiki Hori
Size: 105mm x 148mm
Number of books: 2
Language: Japanese
Category: Light novel
Latest publication date: 2024-02-24
What is the most necessary for doctors? Insitative medical drama drawn by active doctors!
Koichiro Toshima, a medical student with a fatal handicap that is afraid of blood.
He reached a drop of reach, and is ordered to help with a shortage of labor and collagen disease as a relief measure.
Collagen disease, commonly known as Archo, a clue to medical treatment for patients with intractable diseases that hurt their body.
In addition to the behavior of the outpatient doctor, Mitsuri Urushibara, there are many unfortunate aspects as a person, in addition to the behavior that cannot be worn on the teeth.
He gained great trust as a great doctor who did not overlook any trivial symptoms.
Under such a girl, Toshima meets various patients and learns a lot.
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