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魔界から来たメイドさん (1-3巻 最新刊)


Maid from the Makai (Volume 1-3 is the latest issue)

Maid from the Makai (Volume 1-3 is the latest issue)

Regular price ¥2,475 JPY
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タグ さくらえびちま 少年漫画 未設定 漫画 集英社

Publisher: Shueisha
Author: Sakura Ebichima
Size: 148mm x 210mm
Number of books: 3
Language: Japanese
Category: Shonen manga, manga
Latest publication date: 2016-01-04

The issue of Luco's rank -up, who works as a maid at the Demon King House in the Makai, is to serve one person for one year. The fate of Kazuma of a high school student who has been selected by his husband is ──!?

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