Mobile Suit Gundam New Translation MS Daizen Word U.C.0092-0169
Mobile Suit Gundam New Translation MS Daizen Word U.C.0092-0169
タグ | KADOKAWA/角川書店 ガンダム サンライズ 画集・イラスト集・写真集 |
Publisher: KADOKAWA/Kadokawa Bookstore
Author: Sunrise
Size: 210mm x 297mm
Number of books: 1
Language: Japanese
Category: Art books, illustrations, photo books
Latest release date: 2020-03-26
Gundam 40th Anniversary that MS Daizen Works is completely renewed as a new translation!
The MS Daizen Works has renewed the dress and restarts. The MS of a huge Gundam work is classified into each era and a world view, and powered up as a new translation MS.
The bullet is included in the universe century 0091 ~ 0169 (Moon Gundam, Caa Char, Gundam UC, Hathaway, F90, F91, V, Crossbone).
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