Moon of Memorial (2 books in total)
Moon of Memorial (2 books in total)
タグ | せつない 一般書籍 早川書房 漫画 美 菅浩江 |
Publisher: Hayakawa Shobo
Author: Hiroe Suga
Size: 128mm x 188mm
Number of books: 2
Language: Japanese
Category: General books, manga
Latest release date: 2019-04-18
Aphrodite is a giant museum floating on the satellite orbit of the earth. It contains all the art of the world, and curators who connected directly to the database computer worked to pursue beauty through analytical appraisal. Takahiro Tashiro, a general jurisdiction department, touches on the items that are brought in every day, and touches on the thoughts of those who have been art. Nine stories about beauty drawn by masters of kindness and sadness. Won the Japan Reasoning Writers Association Award.
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