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生き物好きの安仁馬さんにはほんのちょっぴり毒がある (1-3巻 最新刊)


Anjima-san, a lover of living things, has just a little bit of poison in him (Volumes 1-2, latest issue)

Anjima-san, a lover of living things, has just a little bit of poison in him (Volumes 1-2, latest issue)

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タグ KADOKAWA/AMW コメディ 漫画 鈴木快 青年漫画

Author:Kai Suzuki
Size: 128mm x 182mm
Number of books: 2
Language: Japanese
Category: Seinen Manga,Manga
Latest Release Date: 2024-03-27

Anjima brings you the creature mame knowledge you'll want to talk about tomorrow!

Rui Anima, a girl famous in the school for her appearance, excels in her knowledge of living creatures.
Her knowledge of living creatures, which she shares with us at every opportunity, is wide-ranging and interesting.
However, she seems to have a peculiar timing when she speaks...?
I am a little curious about Anjima,
Hitoshi Hino, an ordinary boy
He also gets to know a different side of her...!

A trivia about living creatures that you will want to talk about tomorrow!
But we don't have to talk about that here and now. ......?
A comedy with a bit of a poisonous heroine who is very serious.

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