Mysterious coat of the movie Sumiruko Gurashi Tsugihagi Factory
Mysterious coat of the movie Sumiruko Gurashi Tsugihagi Factory
タグ | KADOKAWA サンエックス 児童書 芳野詩子 角川つばさ文庫 角田貴志 |
Publisher: kadokawa
Author: San X, Takashi Kakuda, Shiko Yoshino
Size: 112mm x 174mm
Number of books: 1
Language: Japanese
Category: Children's book
Latest publication date: 2023-11-04
Start making toys together with everyone! Popular movie novelize!
"Let's make it together!"
Sumiko and others were able to make toys by Kuma factory manager.
At a toy factory full of tsugihagi in the corner of the forest
The first toy to make is "stuffed animal"!
I was thrilled with anxiety and expectations, but
Great success by taking advantage of everyone's difficult places!
But there seems to be a mysterious place in the Tsugihagi factory ...?
Pounding, and a little painful,
Making toys begin!
A movie of a popular character appears as a novel!
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