Sakiyomi! (11 books in total)
Sakiyomi! (11 books in total)
タグ | KADOKAWA/角川書店 七海まち 中学生 児童書 未来 角川つばさ文庫 超能力 駒形 |
Publisher: KADOKAWA/Kadokawa Bookstore
Author: Nanami Town, Komagata
Size: 112mm x 174mm
Number of books: 11
Language: Japanese
Category: Children's book
Latest release date: 2023-10-12
Change the future with their power!?
It happens to the person when you look at the face of a person
The power to see the "unfortunate future".
I, Miwa Kisaragi. Junior high school freshman.
Since I was aware of it, I have the power of "Sakiyomi".
I don't want to see people's misfortune
Even though I should have been squeezing "Bocchi"
I saw Sakiyomi who was seriously injured!
If you are scared and shake, the future is about to change ...
What appeared was Mr. Takishima, a classmate!
He also had a surprising secret.
Furthermore, the danger of my brother's life is getting into danger!
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