Sakura code (1-6 volumes)
Sakura code (1-6 volumes)
タグ | みなぎ得一 ワニブックス 召喚 完結 漫画 青年漫画 |
Publisher: Wanibooks
Author: Tokuichi Minagi
Size: 128mm x 182mm
Number of books: 6
Language: Japanese
Category: Youth manga, manga
Latest release date: 2019-09-24
A world after the big summoning of things. Outside of the "center". It was the battlefield of another glands, which delivered the loading to the whole of Hidena! ? The trailer that Tamura and Fukutaro boarded at Manma -Gakuen were from the name of the name of the Road Hunter [Road Hunter] Flower Sisters: Agita, Ishia, and Sister Shika Ashizu. Fukutaro, who had been on a trip for a month during the rebuilding of the Ashizu, is the destination? And what was waiting there! ? The largest feature film "The residents of the Ashoujo House. 2 years from the large yen. The new Nanami World begins! !
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