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乙女ゲームの当て馬悪役令嬢は、王太子殿下の幸せを願います! (1-3巻 全巻)


The maiden game of the maiden game hopes for the happiness of Prince Taisako! (Volume 1-2 new book)

The maiden game of the maiden game hopes for the happiness of Prince Taisako! (Volume 1-2 new book)

Regular price ¥2,244 JPY
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タグ waga なおやみか ぶんか社 ゲーム 女性漫画 完結 恋愛 悪役令嬢 漫画

Publisher: Bunkha
Author: Naomika, waga
Size: 128mm x 182mm
Number of books: 2
Language: Japanese
Category: Female manga, manga
Latest release date: 2024-01-19

Elizabuta, a daughter studying at the Kingdom of the Kingdom, is a rival character of the heroine.
However, I can't be a villain because of my noisy personality.
In fact, this is the world of the love game "Evergreen Rubber's", Elizabeta was just a religion of the heroine Alice!
In order to realize the "regular route" in which Prince Klaus and Alice, who should be their fiance, are connected, we aim to establish a "recommended cap" by that kind of hand.

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