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異世界で手に入れた生産スキルは最強だったようです。 ~創造&器用のWチートで無双する~ (1-9巻 最新刊)


The production skills obtained in a different world seemed to be the strongest. ~ Creative & dexterous W cheats Musou (Volume 1-7)

The production skills obtained in a different world seemed to be the strongest. ~ Creative & dexterous W cheats Musou (Volume 1-7)

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タグ KADOKAWA/メディアファクトリー スキル チート 人米 満月シオン 漫画 異世界 遠野九重 青年漫画

Publisher: KADOKAWA/Media Factory
Author: Zion of Full Moon, Kuju Tono, human rice
Size: 128mm x 182mm
Number of books: 7
Language: Japanese
Category: Youth manga, manga
Latest publication date: 2023-11-22

The production skills I got are too versatile!? Use the created items!

Due to busy and aging, Kou Takasaka (29), a company salaryman who cannot even touch the games that were hobbies,
One day, she suddenly moves to another world.
The skills obtained at that time, [Creation] and [dexterity secret] create all items,
It was a cheat skill that could be used!

He decided to live in Xintiandi, who was free from a cramped life and cramped life
Go through the gates of adventurer guilds in search of a different world life.
Saving the crisis of Ryuto's female adventurer, Iris, and requesting people in the city.
Kou immediately uses his skills, his serious personality and a polite work.
It was immediately accepted by the people of the city.

A universal production skill adventurer who plays an extraordinary activity everywhere you go will open up a different world!

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