The reason why you can't do "if you quit the company if you die" (why) (1 volume 1)
The reason why you can't do "if you quit the company if you die" (why) (1 volume 1)
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タグ | あさ出版 ゆうきゆう エッセイ エッセイ・紀行 仕事 汐街コナ 漫画 病 青年漫画 |
Publisher: Asa Publishing
Author: Shiomachi Kona, Yuuki Yu
Size: 128mm x 188mm
Number of books: 1
Language: Japanese
Category: Youth manga, manga, essay / journey
Latest publication date: 2017-04-09
Sankei Shimbun, Yahoo! News, Toyo Keizai Online, BuzzFeedJapan,
Da Vinci News, LINE News, Mynavi News, Agora, Gnossy,
Smart News, Livedoor News, Excite News, Goo News,
Introduced in mixi News, Infoseek News, Zangyoshi Shimbun, FM FUJI "GOOD DAY"!
A topical work that has been spreading with overwhelming momentum!
To everyone who is chased by work. Is that job more important than your life?
"This is just me." "This manga is a benefactor of life. Thank you."
And 300,000 retweets on Twitter!
NHK, Mainichi Shimbun, Sankei Shimbun, and Huffington Posts have been booked on topical overworked manga.
Psychiatrist Yuuki Yu ("Psychosomatic Medicine in Manga" series) is in charge of supervision and writing, and work is easy to understand why people who overwork or overwork can "quit if they die." And the people who are being chased by the company have escaped from that state, drawing a way and way of thinking to value their lives.
Includes "Real Record! I missed a black situation", which was drawn and drawn from overwork or depression and became happy.
I don't want to repeat that overworked suicide anymore.
This is a must -read book for everyone working in modern Japan.

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