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トッキュー!! [文庫版] (1-7巻 全巻)


Tokkyu !!

Tokkyu !!

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タグ コミック文庫 久保ミツロウ 完結 小森陽一 少年漫画 漫画 講談社

Publisher: Kodansha
Author: Yoichi Komori, Mitro Kubo
Size: 105mm x 148mm
Number of books: 7
Language: Japanese
Category: Shonen Manga, Comic Bunko, Manga
Latest publication date: 2010-07-08

From the words of the father of a fisherman who died when he was young, he is a new diving Jin Kobayashi, who wants to rescue human life. Four months after the assignment, I will finally encounter a real maritime disaster! At that time, I can't stand straight, invisible goals, and when I thought it was no good, Hysui Seafly was a rescue of the highest peak of the diving "special rescue squad". Witness!!

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