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[児童書]タッチペンで音が聞ける! ドラえもんはじめての英会話辞典


You can hear the sound with a touch pen! Doraemon's first English conversation dictionary

You can hear the sound with a touch pen! Doraemon's first English conversation dictionary

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タグ むぎわらしんたろう ドラえもん 図鑑・辞典 宮下いづみ 小学館 英語 藤子・F・不二雄

Publisher: Shogakukan
Author: Fujiko F. Fujio, Miyashita Izumi, Mugiwashintaro
Number of books: 1
Language: Japanese
Category: Picture Books / Dictionary
Latest release date: 2020-09-16

You can learn English conversation with Doraemon's voice pen!

The second series following the popular "Listen to the sound with a touch pen! Doraemon's First English Picture Book" is the English conversation edition.
If you want to speak English or want to hear, you can check the English sound on the spot by touching Doraemon's illustration with a audio pen.
It contains plenty of conversational expressions that are useful in everyday life.

◆ Approximately 900 conversation expressions are included, focusing on elementary school textbooks and those that appear in Eiken 5th grade.
We are familiar with a wide range of English conversations, from basic greetings to expressions used at home and school, and English that is useful for international understanding.
With this one book, you can develop the basic skills of English conversation.

◆ Configure the scene from the cutouts that elementary school children are interested in.
The whole is divided into four parts: basic conversation expression, everyday life, everyday life, and the world and the world, and each conversation in familiar scenes is developed in Doraemon's navigates.
You can naturally get familiar with English conversation while looking at fun illustrations.

◆ Enriched pages of word collection to expand the expression of conversation.
Introducing about 1000 words with illustrations by genre, such as "school / classroom", "play", "town", "occupation", "time / day", "season / event", "world country / region". 。
In the corner of "Let's say you," you can develop your vocabulary while practicing in English by replacing yourself.

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