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やなせたかし詩集 てのひらを太陽に
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Takashi Yanase Open Tomorrow
Regular price ¥814 JPYRegular priceUnit price per -
Takashi Yanase's new Arabian Knight (2 books in total)
Regular price ¥2,970 JPYRegular priceUnit price per -
[ライトノベル]ならば、悪女になりましょう~亡き者にした令嬢からやり返される気分はいかがですか?~【極上の大逆転シリーズ2024】 (全1冊)
Regular price ¥1,485 JPYRegular priceUnit price per -
[ライトノベル]かませ役から始まる転生勇者のセカンドライフ~主人公の追放をやり遂げたら続編主人公を育てることになりました~ (全2冊)
Regular price ¥2,860 JPYRegular priceUnit price per -
[ライトノベル]のんびり村暮らしを謳歌したいのに、チートスキル「風が吹けば桶屋が儲かる」が許してくれない~スキルが示す特殊クエストを達成した結果、なぜかドラゴンや古代兵器が仲間になっていた~ (全1冊)
Regular price ¥1,485 JPYRegular priceUnit price per -
[ライトノベル]神からもらった【安眠】スキルはどうやら領地経営に最適だったようです~神獣とのんびり昼寝していただけなのに、気付けばなんでも育つ最強領地になっていた~ (全1冊)
Regular price ¥1,430 JPYRegular priceUnit price per -
[ライトノベル]病弱少女、転生して健康な肉体(最強)を手に入れる ~友達が欲しくて魔境から旅立ったのですが、どうやら私の魔法は少しおかしいようです!?~ (全1冊)
Regular price ¥1,430 JPYRegular priceUnit price per -
[ライトノベル]逆追放された継母のその後 ~白雪姫に追い出されましたが、おっきな精霊と王子様、おいしい暮らしは賑やかです!~in森 (全1冊)
Regular price ¥1,650 JPYRegular priceUnit price per -
[ライトノベル]あやかし帝都の政略結婚 ~虐げられた没落令嬢は過保護な旦那様に溺愛されています~ (全1冊)
Regular price ¥880 JPYRegular priceUnit price per -
竜王に拾われて魔法を極めた少年、追放を言い渡した家族の前でうっかり無双してしまう-兄上たちが僕の仲間を攻撃するなら、徹底的にやり返します- (1巻 最新刊)
Regular price ¥748 JPYRegular priceUnit price per -
ただの門番、実は最強だと気づかない 貴族の子弟を注意したせいで国から追放されたので、仕事の引継ぎをお願いしますね。ええ、ドラゴンや古代ゴーレムが湧いたりする、ただの下水道掃除です (1巻 最新刊)
Regular price ¥792 JPYRegular priceUnit price per -
[ライトノベル]妹に結婚を押し付けられた手違いの妻ですが、いつの間にか辺境伯に溺愛されてました~半年後の離婚までひっそり過ごすつもりが、趣味の薬作りがきっかけで従者や兵士と仲良くなって毎日が楽しいです~ (全2冊)
Regular price ¥2,970 JPYRegular priceUnit price per -
[The first three books in the series are about a young girl who is a little too shy to kiss a boy. When I made a cheeky childhood friend understand, she became more deleterious than I had expected (3 books)
Regular price ¥2,200 JPYRegular priceUnit price per -
When I pampered the neighbor's coup de grace, I had to give him our duplicate key (vol. 1-5, latest issue)
Regular price ¥4,400 JPYRegular priceUnit price per -
When I lived with a cool goddess, I was too pampered to make it a ponkotsu (Volume 1 new issue)
Regular price ¥2,230 JPYRegular priceUnit price per -
If I was a monster extermination company in modern times, it would be amazing if most of the employees died because the president managed to manage the deficit to make the deficit somehow (1-3 volumes).
Regular price ¥2,244 JPYRegular priceUnit price per -
[Light Novel] Manul who quit humans will fortune -telling your life, but it doesn't work (one book)
Regular price ¥847 JPYRegular priceUnit price per -
[ライトノベル]ただの門番、実は最強だと気づかない~貴族の子弟を注意したせいで国から追放されたので、仕事の引継ぎをお願いしますね。ええ、ドラゴンや古代ゴーレムが湧いたりする、ただの下水道掃除です~ (全2冊)
Regular price ¥2,860 JPYRegular priceUnit price per -
[Light novel] Different world reincarnation starting from the work kitchen -Level up? Then I did it for 300 years ~ (2 books in total)
Regular price ¥2,640 JPYRegular priceUnit price per -
I was insulated because I was told "I don't need incompetence"-I was raised by the strongest Shitenno, and I became an adventurer and I became a warrior ~ (volume 1-5)
Regular price ¥3,663 JPYRegular priceUnit price per -
My childhood friend's Morahara was so bad that I declared insulation-if I decided to live like myself, I confessed by a hidden beautiful girl in the neighboring seat ~ (Volume 1-2)
Regular price ¥2,178 JPYRegular priceUnit price per -
Since the engagement was destroyed, I became an alchemy princess on the outside of the country! As soon as I became free, I was loved by the prince of the neighboring country, the spirit kings and the dragon ~ (1st volume 1)
Regular price ¥759 JPYRegular priceUnit price per -
[Light novel] I was reincarnated by a villain with a small life expectancy, but the people subject to the capture did not let me know (one book)
Regular price ¥2,970 JPYRegular priceUnit price per